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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cook’s Extra Dry: Review

California Champagne
11.5% abv

This is a cheap grocery store bubbly.  I picked it up for 6 or 7 bucks; on sale. 

Appearance: yellow diamond with plenty of bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass.

Aroma: dusty orange peel, pear, apple

Flavors: sweet pear, a mix of pink lady apple and green apple, a light lemon meat note on the back of the palate.

Mouthfeel: seems more like a sec or dry than extra dry.  Sweet notes on the delivery with a light dry feel on the finish. 

To the Point: seems like a fun bubbly, I think this would be good for one to try and then decide if they want to go dryer or sweeter in style. 

It is only a seven dollar bottle of bubbly but, if you don’t drink Champagne often or you may want to try some for the first time – then, this could be for you.  This would be a good introductory bubbly and it is easy to find. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Korbel Extra Dry: Review

California Champagne
12% abv
Can usually find for under $10 on sale

Appearance: light straw with plenty of bubbles

Aroma: light dusty green apple with a touch of citrus

Flavors and Mouthfeel: a pretty simple bubbly that follows the nose.  Dry feel on the finish. Has a lingering sweet citrus taste on the tongue.   

To the Point: this is good to mix with orange juice.  You get what you pay for here – not much money – not much on interest.  Just mixed it with Cranberry Juice and it’s a winner.

Want to impress somebody – mix it with something.  Then, you are not wasting a good bubbly.

Want to impress somebody for a special moment – buy a better bubbly.    

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shady Lane 2010 Semi-Dry Riesling: Review

Shady Lane Cellars
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
$13.00 a bottle
11.7% abv

Here is their description on the bottle, “This slightly sweet Riesling is rich and full of ripe peach, green apple and honeysuckle and has a crisp, clean finish.”

Appearance: light yellow diamond

Aroma: a mix of sweet fruit, tart apple, and citrus meat.

Flavors and Mouthfeel: I really like their description for this wine.  The only thing I would change is: it has a clean delivery; crispness on the mid and finish that goes along with the citrus meat feel on the palate; there is a lemon-lime tartness that lingers on the tongue (reminds me of a sweet-tart candy); all this swirls around that sweet honeysuckle note.  The bottle has it labeled as ‘medium sweet,’ and once again I’ll have to concur. The sweetness is on the delivery and mid palate when the dry notes show up for the late mid and finish.  It seems to be a very refreshing mouthfeel that it leaves on the palate. 

To the Point: a very tasty Semi-dry Riesling.  For only $13.00 – I think this is a bargain.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Be Dazzled 2009: Review

Dry, bubbly white wine
“Fresh, crisp fruit, off-dry finish”

Black Star Farms
Old Mission Peninsula
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
12% abv
$13.75 a bottle

I was surprised by the bottle cap top that was under the foil.  Then, I was a little intimidated opening this bottle with a bottle opener.  Was it going to blow the cap off as I tried to pry the cap open?  It did not.  It seems to not have the pressure of a regular bubbly. 

I don’t have the blend for the 2009 but, they have the 2010 blend listed as: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc. I’ll bet the 09 is not far off from this blend.  The 2010 is also priced at $15.50 a bottle. 

Appearance: light dusty crystal with some bubbles floating from the bottom to the top. 

Aroma: light fruity nose but it doesn’t have that bubbly feel on the nose.

Flavors and Mouthfeel: nice crisp mouthfeel, crisp apple, fresh pear, lemon meat, tastes like a white wine with some carbonation added to it.  The crisp apple flavor lingers along with a light lemon meat swirling around on the palate.

To the Point: Black Star sells this as a ‘fun sparkling wine.’  For under 15 bucks I’ll have to agree.  This would be good to make some mimosas with.

Pair this with fresh fruit, salad, fruit salad or breakfast.   

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Black Star Farms 2008 Brut: Review

Sparkling Wine
Black Star Farms
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
Leelanau Peninsula
11.5% abv
$22.00 a bottle
Blend: 68% Chardonnay, 24% Pinot Noir, 8% Pinot Blanc

Appearance: straw in color and some really aggressive bubbles happening here

Aroma: fizzy fresh apple with a hint of plum

Flavor and Mouthfeel: super fine fizzy feel tingles the palate with apple, tart apple, and I think I get a little lemon peel on the back of the tongue with a touch of apple blossom, the profile is very dry yet crisp on the delivery and the long lingering aftertaste. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

L Mawby Consort: Review

Sparkling Wine SEC
Methode Champenoise
Leelanau Peninsula
Bottle no. 34 out of 230
12% abv
L. Mawby
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA

Appearance: light golden delicious apple color with a yellow-green hue around the rim

Aroma: soft summer sweet fruits

Flavors: a mix of green apple and Fuji Apple, splash of sweet summer fruit

Mouthfeel: tartness on the mid and finish, touch of citrus rind lingers on the tongue, easygoing bubbly, light fizzy feel. 

Pair this with a fruit salad or maybe set up the chocolate fountain with some fresh fruits. 

I paired the Consort with a Hemingway Classic Cameroon Cigar

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brunello Di Montalcino 2004 Col D’Orcia: Review

Tenuta Col D’Orcia
Montalcino, Italy
100% Sangiovese
Appearance: deep crimson with a lighter crimson edge

Aroma: rich black berry with soil earthy tones

Flavors: dark berry mix with black berry leading the way, black soil, and the oak starts to show up as the wine opens up so does the spice.

Mouthfeel: good structure, tannins are present and undercontrol, same with the acidity, the acidity is more noticeable on the finish, firm yet moderate aftertaste, coats the palate

My Strength Rating: 6.5 – a pleasing medium-full Sangiovese,

To the Point: a very tasty wine, the mouthfeel is pleasing and supple; if you find it buy it. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Clancy’s 2008: Review

Blend: Shiraz, Cab. Sauvignon, and Merlot
Peter Lehmann of the Barossa
Tanunda, South Australia
14.5% abv

This was a bottle I picked up at Costco back when I had a membership. So, I must have bought this bottle back in 2010. I did not decant or open the bottle for any length of time.  I just twisted that ‘cap’ right off the bottle and got to business.  On the first two sips I liked this wine. Let’s see how it goes beyond the first two sips. 

Appearance: deep garnet with a shiny ruby edge.

Aroma: sweet cherry surrounded by dark berries – a rather appealing nose.

Flavors: a good bright display of dark berries and cherry right after opening, I kept waiting for more and … I kept waiting …

Mouthfeel: good delivery of flavors at first and a smooth finish.  Lingering dark berries on the palate.  But, the more I drink of this wine the thinner it seems to get, the wine just never seemed to open up and with time it just seemed to lack any luster. 

To the Point: I became disinterested with this wine.  It seemed to get thinner rather than fuller as it opened up.  I’ll skip this one. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vino Nobiledi Montepulciano 2003: Review

Denominazione Di Origine Controllata Garantita
Siena, Italy
13.5% abv

Appearance: deep dark garnet with a little ruby around the rim.

Aroma: dark berry, the alcohol is happy that the cork is popped; later the aroma was dark berry and earthy, the alcohol got a chance to burn off, so to say.

Flavors: heavy on the dark berries, it reminds me of a mixed dark berry pie filling, there seems to be a little bit of an inky note, firm soil note,

Mouthfeel: leathery, dark berries cover the tongue,

My Strength Rating: 7.5 – medium-full feel from the thick berry profile and the earthy tones. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sirius Red: Review

Grape Dessert Wine
Black Star Farms
Old Mission Peninsula
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
18% abv
375 ml bottle

Appearance: deep dark burgundy with ruby highlights

Aroma: dusty baker’s chocolate powder, mixed nut shells, light earthy tone, slight alcohol scent

Flavors and Mouthfeel: almost syrupy, little dusty and slightly grainy feel to the mocha, spice from the alcohol so, it has a light peppery tone, slight medicinal feel also coming from the alcohol, black cherry, hint of anise and/or horehound, I think I like the idea of horehound here because it has a spicy style that is bittersweet and this wine has that style.  Now, it all comes together, black cherry, horehound, alcohol with a slight medicinal feel – this sounds like the perfect cough drop lozenges. 

My Strength Rating: 5.5 – a good medium body dessert wine.

To the Point: May not be for everyone. The slight medicinal style may be at issue; while I like it … my wife did not. 

Black Star Farms Inn

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blue Water Winery Cab Sauvignon and Franc: Review

2009 Vintage
65% Cabernet Sauvignon
35% Cabernet Franc
Blue Water Winery
Carsonville, Michigan, USA
North of Lexington and South of Port Sanilac
13.5% abv
$16.00 I think, damn I forgot to get the price list from them.

Appearance: Bright and shiny ruby color with a little watery edge on the rim.  Lighter in color than I would expect but, this is a fairly new winery they have been around since 2004. 

Aroma: fruity, cherry and raspberry like with a dusting of spice.

Flavors: very pleasing, sweet cherry, black raspberry, just a dash of pink peppercorn,

Mouthfeel: smooth, fresh, pleasing to the palate, clean aftertaste, tannins seem low, and the acidic level seems low.  I would guess this one is not for aging. 

My Strength Rating: 4 – a mild-medium Cab Blend.

To the Point: Okay, it is not going to make it with the big boys, yet.  But, it is very enjoyable to drink.  They have only been making wine for six or seven years now and I am looking forward to following their wines in the future. 

I enjoyed it with a homemade pizza.

Read their article in the Oakland Press

I think this will pair well with a good mild-medium bodied cigar and I have one in mind and I just reviewed it yesterday.  So, let me grab a new one out of the humidor and let’s do a wine and cigar pairing.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Peninsula Cellars 2007 Cabernet Merlot: Review

Peninsula Cellars
Old Mission Peninsula
The Hog’s Back Vineyard
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
$30.00 a bottle
13% abv
67% Cabernet Franc and 33% Merlot

Appearance: garnet body with a ruby edge

Aroma: deep rich dark berries.  Later as the wine opens there is a floral note that develops. 

Flavors: dark berries unlimited, black currant, black berry, throw in a little black plum with a good oaky backbone and this is one tasty wine. The earthy style evolves with each sip I take.  It started off soft and now has a good rich soil character. 

Mouthfeel: It says on the bottle “supple” and this sounds good to me.  Nice earthiness and dark berries linger on the aftertaste and coat the palate with each sip. 

To the Point: this is my kind of wine; rich dark berry profile with a good earthy style and the right touch of oak.  This would be great to pair with a fine cigar.  In a matter of fact I am going to finish the bottle off with a Kristroff Maduro Cigar. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2009 Predator: Review

Old Vine Zinfandel

Predator Wines
St. Helena, California, USA
Lodi Appellation

15% abv

Appearance: deep crimson body with a bright crimson edge

Aroma: wow, different, barbeque, smoked wood, earthy

Flavors: very different, hickory wood, smoked pork, saucy,

Mouthfeel: relatively smooth, it does have a lingering smoky wood and bbq maple sauce note.

My Strength Rating: 6

To the Point: not for everyone, if you didn’t know about this wine ahead of time you might hate it, by knowing about it ahead of time will help you to understand it when you drink it.

Me personally, I don’t care for smoked beers and well I am not a fan of bbq smoked wines.  This wine was easy to give up on.  It is interesting but, is it worth trying?  If you can buy it by the glass and you want something different – sure.    

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

M. Lawrence Detroit Sparkling Wine: Review

L. Mawby
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
Demi Sec
Batch #9
12% abv
$15.00 a bottle
A blend of Riesling, Traminette, Vidal and Muscat

Appearance: sparkling straw

Aroma: apple, hint of green apple,

Flavors: Honeysuckle, pear, peach, apricot, with a tart apple note on the finish.

To the Point: I thought it was okay; my wife liked it; worthy to try. 

Demi Sec means ‘half dry’.  It is sweeter than Sec but, dryer than Doux.
Here are the terms for dryness and sweetness in a wine or sparkling wine.
Brut Nature: 0–3: Extra Brut: 0–6: Brut: 0–12: Extra Dry, Extra Sec, Extra seco: 12–17: Dry, Sec, Seco: 17–32: Demi-Sec, Semi-seco: 32–50: Doux, Sweet, Dulce: 50+
The numbers represent the residual sugar per liter (measured in grams).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Felino 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon: Review

Vina Cobos
Blend of 88% Cab., 8% Syrah, 4% Petit Verdot
Eight months in French and American oak
$32.00 restaurant price

Here is what they say on the importers web site.

 A deep ruby hue accompanies an earthy nose, rich with aromas of fine-grained leather and licorice. The palate is generous and complex, with intrepid notes of black currant and boysenberry weaved together with graphite and sweet tobacco. Ripe, plush tannins combine with subtle minerality creating an ideal balance and a lengthy finish.”

I ordered this wine with my dinner and then brought the bottle home to finish it off with a fine cigar.  I did not do a review on it but, the licorice was noticeable and there seemed to be a brown spice (cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg), some herbal and mineral qualities with dark berries.

I found it to be an interesting wine to drink.  I’ll have to find it at a store and do a review on it one day.  I would not have guessed it to be a Cabernet Sauvignon. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CEV Gamay Noir 2008: Review

Colio Estate Vineyards
Harrow, Ontario, Canada
Lake Erie North Shore
12.1% abv
$14.00 a bottle Canadian
100% Gamay Noir

Here are the tasting notes as stated on the bottle: “Scents of dark cherry, cedar spice and strawberry pie foretell the dark cherry, cranberry and pomegranate finish.”

Appearance: ruby body with an amber-ruby edge and a crystal rim. 

Aroma: I like the cedar spice, cherry and currant nose.  I also get a little earthy tone here as well.

Flavors: Wow, on my first few sips (after swirling the glass) the cedar comes through.  It is like a cigar box cedar with each sip and sniff. And, I have smelled a few cigar boxes in my day.  Dark berries on the taste with some nice green peppercorn spice along with that cedar note and rich soil for the earthy tone. 

Mouthfeel: It started off feeling a little thin (on the first few sips after opening the bottle) and when it opened up (a few swirls of the glass) it filled out the palate.  There is a blackberry bite that greets the palate.  The cedar, spice and dark berries linger and cling to the palate.  I can feel it coating my teeth and gums.  Dry finish, tannins semi-smooth, acidity under control. 

My Strength Rating: 7 – truly coats the palate.

To the Point: You can’t go wrong with this $14.00 bottle.  Nice medium-full feel without being overwhelming.   

The wine held up just fine when I paired it with some 9 year old white cheddar and then a whole grain cracker with horseradish cheese. 

This wine should go well with a fine cigar.  Visit CigarPostings for the cigar pairing with this wine. 

I just noticed that I did a review of this wine back in January of this year.  Click here to read that review

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Clos de los Siete: Review

Clos de los Siete Winery
Mendoza, Argentina
By Michel Rolland
14.6% abv
$35.00 at A Matter of Taste Restaurant

Blend: 56% Malbec, 21% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, 11% Syrah, 2% Petit Verdot

I had a glass and a half at the restaurant and brought the rest home to sit back to do a review and then smoke a fine stogie with it. 

Appearance: deep dark garnet, this is pretty close to black with a purple edge.

Aroma: very dense dark currant note, smoky, it smells like the dark chocolate with berries in it, earthy – mineral soil like

Flavors: heavy soil earthy tone, dark berry concentrate, 90+% dark chocolate that covers the palate, bold and intense.

Mouthfeel: thick and very dry on the palate, tart, earthy, the dry finish reminds me of 95% dark chocolate, leathery texture, lingering aftertaste

You can feel this wine just clinging to your teeth and gums. 

My Strength Rating: 8.5 – this full bodied blend is hearty.  It deserves a big steak.  I think I’ll make plans for that one day.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chronic Cellars Sofa King Bueno 2009: Review

15% abv
Paso Robles, California, USA
Blend: 25% Syrah, 20% Petite Sirah, 18% Mourvedre, 16% Zinfandel, 15% Grenache, 5% Tempranillo, 1% Tannat
$22.99 The Fine Wine Source in Livonia, Michigan

Appearance: deep purple

Aroma: rich dark berries, sweet spice, delicate earth

Flavors: mixed dark berries, the cinnamon slaps you silly, a touch of vanilla, 60% dark chocolate style,

Mouthfeel: thick, jammy on the tongue, long thick layers of dark berries linger on the palate,

My Strength Rating: 6.5 – the long lingering notes raises the point value. 

To the Point: If you want to know what a cinnamon note is like in wine then, get this bottle and have a drink.  Very interesting and tasty wine. 

Visit CigarPostings for the cigar pairing

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vin du Lac of Chelan: Review

2007 Cabernet Franc
Columbia Valley
Chelan Wine Company, LLC
Chelan, Washington
14.5% abv
Blend Merlot 18%, Franc 82%

Washington Wine Quality Alliance seal is on the back of the bottle. 

Appearance: deep garnet, almost black

Aroma: rich dark berries, rich soil earthy tone and there is an alcohol note here fresh out of the bottle.  The alcohol back bone on the aroma settles down as the wine opens up.  A smoky note appears as well.

Flavors: heavy dark berries, mineral soil earthy tone, 55% dark chocolate like quality, herbal-spice notes,

Mouthfeel: medium-full body.  Nice thick feel on the palate, coats the checks and gums, not quite jammy but getting there. 

My Strength Rating: 6/6.5

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shady Lane Coop de Blanc 2009

Shady Lane Cellars
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
Leelanau Peninsula
Grape: Vignoles – (VIN-yoles)
10.9% abv
$10.00 a bottle

This will be a first for me~! I have never had The Vignoles grape.  What I found out about this grape is that it is good for making ice wine since it has a strong sweet style while having a good acidic quality. 

The Vignoles grape is a hybrid, a cross between “8-Seibel 6905 x Pinot de Corton” Source: http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/cultivars/Vignoles.pdf

Here is another cool web site that has something to say about this grape (a very good read).  I’ll be adding their address to my blog.  I need to spend some time on their site.  This site will give you a good history of this grape.

On to the review

Appearance: crystal clear with an ever so light tint of yellow

Aroma: wow, nice and fruity, tropical/summer fruits, pineapple, fuji apple, twist of citrus, and I swear I got a little hint of petro (petroleum is a note used for some Riesling White Wines.  Not used much anymore.)

Flavors: I sure wish it was 98 degrees outside and I was sweeting like a pig for this wine would be perfect for a scorching hot summer day.  Pineapple juice, touch of ruby red grapefruit, tropical fruit, crisp fuji apple, good dose of Granny Smith Apple (tart), there are some good summer fruits here as well.  We could play the game – ‘what do you taste’ with this wine.

This is the ol' chicken coop!
Shady Lane's Wine Tasting Building

Mouthfeel: crisp, good acidic structure here for a white wine.  It really helps to bring out those tropical flavors.  So, there is a tart a somewhat bitter quality especially on the finish.  Big time sweet on the front and tart on the finish and lingering notes. 

My Strength Rating: 6.5 – a solid medium-full style for a white wine.  Big time sweetness with a solid tart style on the end.    

To the Point: This is a must buy.  Buy two at least.  Sweet whites (unless it’s ice wine) are not on my list of must have.  But, while there is a big sweet style here the tart with a little bitter note (lemon peel) on the finish is just a great combination.  And, all the flavors make it fantastic.   If the ‘sweet/tart’ candy had a pineapple flavor it would taste like this white wine by Shady Lane.  This is one complex white wine. 

I will be writing more about this one in the future. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shady Lane 2008 Cabernet Franc: Review

Shady Lane Cellars
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
Leelanau Peninsula
12.9% abv
$18.00 a bottle

I thought this winery was a nice little find.  The century old stone building, which is the tasting room, was a chicken coop back in the days.  Going in the door from the driveway you will see a few bottles on display – at first I thought “oh-o, nothing much going on here.  Let’s say it was very unpretentious.  On the second level is the tasting bar/room with some racks of their wine.  Make sure to go to this level and sample a few different wines.  They do have a patio area for sitting and sipping on those nice spring, summer, and fall days. 

I was impressed with both their whites and reds that I tried.  I am not a blush wine lover – okay I am a hater.  I have not had too many that I like.  They had a blush that was pretty good. 

Let’s get to the review

Appearance: deep ruby or garnet body with rich ruby highlights. 

Aroma: rich dark berry mix, light spice, touch of floral

Flavors: black currant, raspberry bowl – red, black, yellow, pomegranate, light green spice feel, light soil earthy tone, dry cocoa powder

Mouthfeel: nice smooth delivery of mixed berries, the tannins and acidity seem undercontrol, nice acidic finish for a dry feel, moderately coats the palate

My Strength Rating: 6 – nice flavors, nice mouthfeel, very pleasing to drink

To the Point: only $18.00 for this Cab Franc – you can’t beat it.  I am a Cab Franc slappy and I like this baby.  It’s not big and bold and may not have that wow factor but, so what – it has a very pleasing style in taste and mouthfeel.  I’ll be buying a six pack next time. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Arcturos 2008 Cabernet Franc: Review

Black Star Farms
Old Mission Peninsula
Suttons Bay, Michigan, USA
12% abv
$29.50 a bottle

When I was in Traverse City this summer I bought one bottle of this wine and took it back to the hotel to see if I really liked it.  The wine seemed tasty when I sampled it, I really like Cabernet Franc on top of that, but sampling is different than sitting back with a full glass of wine. 

Well, I was back at the Black Star store, located in the Village at Grand Traverse Commons, buying the few bottles they had left of this vintage.  Yes, I really liked this one.

Appearance: garnet body with some ruby highlights. This looks like it is going to be a medium-full bodied Franc.

Aroma: blackberry, soil earthiness, little smoky.  Overall, a nice little nose. 

Flavors: tasty blackberry, spice, mineral soil, smoky with a hint of oak on the finish (toasted oak). 

Mouthfeel: thick, close to the jammy side, tannins and acidity while present were under control, lingering dark berries that just coat the old teeth and gums. 

My Strength Rating: 7.5 – the lingering notes and the ‘almost jammy’ style kicks it up a notch. 

To the Point: This is my type of Cab Franc.  Nice earthy tones, blackberry without being bitter, spice without being too peppery.  If you want a good quality Franc find this in a store near you and give it a try.  This is a very worthy wine to try.  Don’t forget – Black Star Farms is out of it – the wine that is.   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bry’s Cabernet Franc 2008: Review

Bry’s Estate Vineyard & Winery
Old Mission Peninsula
Estate Grown
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
13.8% abv
$30.00 a bottle
Aged 10 to 13 months in French Oak

On the bottle, “This northern Michigan red will surprise you with its upfront fruitiness, intense color and everlasting flavors on the palate.”

This winery is planted on the Old Mission Peninsula and you can take in a nice little view of the bay. 

Inside the tasting room you get your first sample free and then it is $5.00 and you get to sample a few more wines AND keep the wine glass. 

Appearance: as I was pouring the first glass you can see the bright and brilliant ruby color as it was splashing and swirling around the bottom of the wine glass. 

Aroma: a mix of red and dark berries with a touch of spice.  The nose was fairly faint overall.  I was expecting a little more.

Flavors: on the first few sips it comes across like a grape concentrate.  So, I swirled the glass a few times and then let it sit for a few moments while I set up for doing this review.  Then a few more swirls and the next sip showed a little improvement.

The flavors remind me of: red cherries, pomegranate, black cherry, red and black currants, and touch of spice box.  I keep waiting for some oak but, it think the tart cherry note may be hiding it from the taste buds. 

Mouthfeel: tart twang on the tongue, lingering tasty berries and cherries.

My Strength Rating: 6 – the tart style makes the score.

To the Point: a decent Cab Franc.  Nothing to write home about.  Too much on the tart cherry note for me.  I like my Franc’s to be stronger in the dark berry with a solid earthy style, and firm spice to add some character.