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Friday, December 27, 2013

Louis M. Martini Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Sonoma County: Review

Louis M Martini Winery
Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California

This is a decent cab. It’s not bold; there is nothing special here; it is just a good decent wine. 

Appearance: deep garnet body with a purplish edge

Aroma: dark berries, throw in a little earth, and a touch of spice; moderate-light nose

Flavors: dark berries; plum skin; black currant; soft earth; soft peppery feel

Mouthfeel: tannins are moderate; nice acidity; flavors are nice but, nothing special nor complex here; moderate depth at best; just seems to be missing something

To the Point: I liked the 2008 much better than this 2010; like I stated earlier – it’s decent; should be easy to pair with any type of food

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cook’s Brut Grand Reserve: Review

Cook’s Champagne Cellars
Madera, California, USA

11.5% abv
They say it has a ‘special dosage of Brandy’

Appearance: crystal water with plenty of bubbles

Aroma: citrus … and I am thinking of a dusty citrus … no … toasted white bread and a soft citrus peel – Yes. With a touch of floral.

Flavors/Mouthfeel: on the bottle it says, ‘hint of delicate vanilla’ – a little redundant.  Maybe if there was a hint of vanilla I might pick it up or maybe if the vanilla was just delicate I might pick up the aroma and/or flavor of vanilla … but, no … it had to be a ‘hint of delicate vanilla’ and I don’t get it at all.  No vanilla for me.  I pick up white bread on the front with apple and then the bubbles explode on the palate followed by dry citrus meat and tart apple on the mid and finish along with plenty of effervescence to keep it lively; nice tartness that lingers on the palate for a minute or so; damn, I think I noticed a ‘hint of delicate vanilla’ as I was trying to figure out the aftertaste … maybe it was a delicate hint of vanilla … a whiff … a trace … a vestige …

To the Point: for a cheap sparkling wine this is not all too bad; if you are having a big group this should do; if you are looking for an everyday type of sparkling wine this should do; if you are looking for a sparkling wine to go with a fruit tray or salad this should do;

Side Note: to me Champagne is like Single Malt Scotch.  Some people go by price to say, this is a great … fill in the blank.   The guys at the cigar store did it with Single Malt Scotch and Blended Scotch … they said, ‘Johnny Walker Blue Label was the best and they could pick it out of any line up of Scotch.’  So, I called their lame little bluff (knowing they would never buy Blue for $200 a bottle) I said, I’ll buy five or six different Scotches and you could never tell which one is Blue.  Well, we did a blind tasting and Blue was ranked #5 out of 6 and Macallan 10 was the number one pick and nobody picked the right name for it – but, they liked it the best.  I think Champagne is the same thing.  With opened eyes and know the price they pick they fancy one; with a blind tasting … you would have a different result.  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Alvear Pedro Ximenez Solera 1927: Review

Pedro Ximenez Solera 1927
Montilla, Spain

16% abv

Appearance: looks like raisin juice or a deep mahogany if you like; long dripping syrupy legs hang on the glass

Aroma: thinking raisin, it smells like sweet raisins and fig; touch of chocolate and a light nutty note

Flavors: just like the nose

Mouthfeel: sweet; syrupy feel; light in body; short or thin on the aftertaste; the alcohol does not play a role in the taste or mouthfeel; a light spice, maybe from the alcohol, on the back; easy to drink

To the Point: a nice sherry; seems like a porto to me but, I don’t know a thing about sherry wines - I just say call it a Raisin Late Harvest, Late Harvest is just short of an IceWine; if I was going to grade this wine I would give it a solid B; short on the aftertaste, nice on the nose but nothing special, pleasing flavors; if you like dessert wines this is worthy of a bottle purchase

I’ll bet this pairs well with dark chocolate or a fine cigar.  I already have the cigar burning with this wine and I am going to get some dark chocolate. 

Just a side note: this is not a 1927 vintage. They make this sherry or raisin wine with the wood used from 1927 - so the belief is that it imparts some of the 1927.   

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Jackson-Triggs 2008 Vidal Icewine: Review

Jackson-Triggs Estate Wines
Niagura-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada

VQA Niagara Peninsula
9.5% abv
187ml bottle

The crystal golden-yellow body looks so nice in the icewine glass.  Light sweet tropical notes greet the nose.  The flavors follow the nose; candied mango, papaya, and nectarine swarm the palate and clines to the cheek and gums; a nice sweet pineapple note shows on the aftertaste.  This icewine like all good icewines has a syrupy feel that is silky smooth and coats the palate. 

To the Point: this is a great dessert wine; a true sipper; only have one glass maybe two – the sugar content is high; Jackson-Triggs Icewine is still one of my favorites.  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

THE SHOW Malbec 2012: Review

Three Thieves
Mendoza, Argentina

14.1% abv
You should be able to find this for under $13.00
I found this bottle at Kroger’s

Appearance: deep purple body with ruby highlights; nice legs drip on the glass

Aroma: dark berry aroma with an alcohol peppery spice and toasted oak; as the wine opens I am picking up a touch of green spice, not basil, not thyme, maybe the two together (I tried this at the spice rack in my kitchen) – close to marjoram   

Flavors: blackberry; black plum skin; toasted oak; spice; the alcohol and acidity are showing their teeth here on the first glass (did not decant); on the second glass the alcohol note itself subsides and comes across with a nice peppery note of white and green peppercorns; the flavors mingle together for a tasty Malbec

Mouthfeel: thick; almost jammy feel; the alcohol is a little noticeable on the first glass after opening; lingering blackberries and spice on the palate

To the Point: I think this might be a good one to age a few years; the alcohol and acidity I think are showing their youth; this should mellow in a couple of years; a nice Malbec for the price;